Incentive degree

Incentive degreeIncentive degree
  1. Through establish evolutionary game model with rationality between government and developers , analyze the theory basis of government selecting incentive degree of fiscal policy .


  2. Secondly , we study the relationship between the motivational factors and their impacts on the knowledge workers , which helps us to figure out the factors with most remarkable effects on the incentive degree .


  3. According to the statistics analysis of investigation data , getting a further understanding on the inner relationship between the practical incentive degree , anticipant incentive degree and the whole incentive degree to knowledge workers from the total reward .


  4. It can not motivate executives to work hard by little incentive degree ; it will stimulate the executives ' earnings management behavior by large incentive degree and has a bad impact on the long-term development of the company .


  5. It is justified that R & D staff with different professional orientation tends to show significant difference about incentive demands , focus degree to incentive measures , incentive satisfaction , and work involvement .


  6. Innovation lies in the fact that an appropriate incentives can mobilize the enterprise supply chain information-sharing initiative , and the incentive effect of the degree of realization of the social impact of the speed of information dissemination , given an effective means of information-sharing incentives .
